An original, story-like description of the tarot. Reflecting the Archetypes, Elements and Astrological origins of the cards. Captured on audio C.D. and iTune downloads Listen to mp3 sound bytes below... |
Taroist is a unique collection of story-like descriptions of the Book of Thoth, commonly known as the Tarot. Remembering that that is exactly what the Tarot is: a book, that tells a story. An ordered array of Archetypal images. A Picture-book of Reality. Review by Lisa Lewelyn, Konx Om Pax (2001) -England In the "Taroist" CD Allan Armstrong takes us through 78 beautiful visions of the Tarot's Major and Minor Arcana. He introduces the cards as if they are living personalities or archetypes, as they certainly are.
Allan shows his familarity with the Hermetic Approach by fusing together the divination modalities of Tarot, Astrology and Kabala, which should never be considered, learned, taught or practiced as separate disciplines. Moreover, his work emphasizes the neglected connection between the 78 Tarot Trumps and the esoteric Egyptian zodiac of 36 houses. is a fitting modernization of the system of esoteric Tarot studies initiated in the last century by MacGregor Mathers and Aleister Crowley of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and of the Celtic Bardic approach to archetypal subjects and Gnostic wisdom.
This presentation is perfect for those who are beginners (we are all beginners) but the seasoned practitioner will also benefit considerably from the listening. Allan's eloquent and often humored meditative dissertation becomes its own mantra, hearkening back to the Storyteller and Bardic Traditions. There is more to the Tarot and the Divination Arts than can be experienced with the eye and left-brain method of cognition. With the ear one can now enter into a deeper rapport with the 78 Arcanum, with the Round Art and with the Tree of Life. I recommend this audio presentation to the lovers of the Hermetic Arts of Divination.
Review by Michael Tsarion, Creator of the Taroscopic Mystery School -America
Now here's something a little bit different. Taroist is essentially an audio story, with Allan Armstrong, sequentially narrating brief descriptions of the Tarot cards with traditional music and original compositions quietly accompanying him. Broken down into Fire, Water, Air, Earth and Tree of Life, this whole CD had massive failure potential. Had any one of a number of elements (sic) been off-key, this would have descended into something appallingly funny. But the lilt and tone of Armstrong's voice and wholly appropriate music make for a icurioi that anyone interested in the Book of Thoth may find a worthwhile experience. Review by Mark Kirwan-Hayhoe, Pagan Dawn (imbolc, 2002) -England
You can't tell it from the scan, but the individual bedecked in the long gown who graces this CD cover art is, in fact, male... While this production is exceedingly amateurish, I have no doubt the artist is sincere and knowledgeable. However, I cannot recommend this cd in good conscience, as I think it is badly produced, difficult to listen to, and doesn't offer much of substance. Your mileage may vary, as Michele Jackson often wrote in her reviews. Review by Diane Wilkes, Tarot Passages -America
We first hear the sound of a crackling fire, and the plaintive music of a harmonica as though an storyteller were sitting round the fire in an old hut, wind whistling outside... Taroist is a different way of familiarising yourself with tarot basics. While not for everyone, I think it most useful for beginners or auditory learners to pick up the basic meanings of tarot cards. Review by Solandia, Aeclectic -Australia
The Tarot has long been considered to be both a tool for story telling, and a story in and of itself... With an open mind - there is no end to where we can go. Taroist takes us way beyond an oral listing of keywords, and is not for the beginner only. Each of us, whatever our Tarot experiences have been, will find the beginnings of new paths of self discovery here. Review by Bonnie Cehovet, The Crystal Gate -America
Ancient in its origins but contemporary in its application, new generations continue to explore the potential of the Tarot for bringing focus to spiritual questioning and inward looking. Allan Armstrong has produced a CD called The Taroist which attempts to explain the purpose and potential of Tarot divination. In so doing, he explores dimensions beyond male and female and touches the spirit in all of us... Review by GenderTalk Radio (August, 2003) -America
The Taroist is a project of Allan Armstrong, a guy who decided to share his passion about the major and minor arcana of the mysterious deck of cards well known as tarots... Talking about music, Allan used various Gaelic traditional folk songs as musical accompaniment to his speech and the result is very calm and gentle and helps the audience concentration to get in touch with the inspiring and mystic world of the tarots. Review by Maurizio Pustianaz, Chain DLK (January, 2004) -Italy
Taroist è diviso in 5 parti, 5 storie che raccontano le progressioni astrologiche dei 4 elementi (fuoco, acqua, aria e terra) il viaggio spirituale nell'albero della vita.. tutto questo mediante il significato che racchiudono i tarocchi (non gli aranci, ma le carte!) e i loro magici poteri/significati.. tutto questo viene raccontato dalla calda voce di Allan che è presente per tutta la durata del disco, rimanendo sempre in primo piano dal primo all'ultimo minuto.. di sottofondo delicate melodie di musiche tradizionali celtiche tra armoniche e perfino lo scacciapensieri.. Review by C.D.M, StillBorn-Webzine -Italy
The Tarot, in and of itself, is highly symbolic. Although the Taroist is a CD for beginners and experienced Tarot readers alike, I highly recommend it to ANYONE who works with or is interested in symbols. Even experienced Tarot readers will love hearing Allan's description of each of the Tarot cards. Review by Lin Valentine, Goddess-Vision (November, 2004) -America
This is a wonderful, new way of learning all about the Tarot – with a wee bit of humor thrown in here and there. I really enjoyed listening to this CD. Between the music and Armstrong’s voice (complete with accent for us Americans!) you feel totally immersed in another world, a world of peace, mystery and intuition. Review by Morgain (Sisterhood of Les Feys d'Avalon) The Pagan Review -America
Note:- The Taroist is based on the fundamentally origins of tarot and my personal experience, not linked to one " specific" but can be used in conjunction with any deck of cards, or to visualize your own unique tarot journey. Note:- All reviews are "independent" and therefore the views expressed are not necessarily that of my own. "Self pries is no recommendation" However this CD is not to everyone's taste. Reviews often reveal as much about the reviewer, as what they are reviewing! TA002-web |